Plant Potting Mix/ Sandy Soil for All Types of Plants:
Upaju Potting Mix is specially formulated to provide the perfect balance of nutrients, drainage, and aeration, ensuring optimal growth for a wide variety of plants. This premium mix is ideal for everything from flowering plants to vegetables and ornamental greens.
The base is crafted with sandy soil, which ensures excellent drainage and prevents waterlogging. To enrich this mix, we incorporate high-quality vermicompost to enhance soil fertility and promote healthy root development. Neem khali and sarso khali (mustard cake) are added for their natural organic properties, improving soil health and offering natural pest control while providing a steady supply of nutrients.
Additionally, bonemeal is included to provide essential phosphorus, promoting strong root growth and better flowering. Wood ash is added to balance the pH level and add potassium, improving overall plant vigor. Finally, micro-nutrients are carefully blended into the mix, ensuring that your plants receive all the trace minerals needed for robust growth and vitality.
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